P. 11

Letter 259

                                  TO BARTOLOMEA N.
               She makes manifest to her the high standards of holiness God is calling
               her to.

                               HAIL TO THE CRUCIFIED LOVE

                     Beloved Sister and Friend in Jesus Christ,

                     Though  I  am  rather  tired,  I  cannot  go  to  bed  without
               openly telling you, through this letter, what I have in my heart.
               For a long time now I have been keeping certain thoughts of
               you in my heart, nor could I set them aside for a moment, but I
               never  dared  mention  them  to  you  because  I  supposed  they
               were  prompted  by  my  pride  rather  than  inspired  by  God.
               However, I now feel I cannot keep from you any longer what
               my  heart  holds  about  you.  Be  it  as  it  may,  I  feel  something
               within  me  urging  me  to  speak  out  quite  frankly  ...  Beloved
               Bartolomea, Jesus wants you to be a Saint, a great Saint ...
               He  has  chosen  you  as  his  dearly  beloved  Bride.  He  has
               formed over you the loftiest designs; He  has called you to a
               particular holiness. He is not satisfied with a mediocre virtue
               from  you;  He  expects  you  to  kick  out  every  hint  of  human
               respect, and that you embrace a way of life that is woven of
               the  most  heroic  virtues.  He  desires  that  the  sweet  odour  of

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