P. 5

me that the Lord has really convinced me of this truth, in such
               a  way  that  I  have  come  to  know  how  foolish  I  am  to  have
               conceived so many thoughts of pride.
                     In the second Point of my meditation, the Lord gave me
               a  particular  desire  to  attend  as  I  should  to  the  last  end  for
               which  I  was  created,  that  is,  to  save  my  soul,  and  I  have
               realized how important, sublime and necessary that end is.
                     In  the  third  Point  I  felt  confused  when  I  realized  how
               negligent I am in serving the Lord, how badly I neglect such a
               sublime end and the poor care I take of my soul.

                     Resolutions: When any thought of pride assails me, to
               remind  myself  of  my  origin,  and  let  the  truth  about  my
               nothingness, fight it and overcome it.
                     This Meditation lasted a little more than an hour; I was
               in  peace;  I  attended  to  it  with  understanding  and  was  also
               deeply moved. I was seated almost the whole time. During this

               Meditation  I  heard  the  Communion  of  the  ‘Oratorians’  going
               on. It made me so happy that I could not hold back my tears,
               and Our Lord urged me to pray for all of them, that none of
               them be lost. The time of this encounter with my God slipped
               away almost without my noticing it. It made me very eager to
               suffer gladly for my God.
                     This morning’s spiritual reading was on mental prayer. It
               made  me  realize  how  right  our  Lord  is  never  to  leave  me
               ‘quiet’ in this regard. I understood the importance and need for
               it, the benefits and good derived from it, and with the Lord’s
               help, I resolved to respond.

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