In our journey, during these days of Novena of Maria Bambina, let us reflect on Virgin Mary, a woman capable of probing the horizon and the meaning of life in the light of the fullness of God.
As the need to restart, to get up, to find anew the meaning of the goal of one’s existence is present in each one’s life, the whole of human family needs to renew its aspiration towards the common goal towards which it has set out.
We are living in uncertain and difficult times due to war and violence. Many are terrified thinking of an ambiguous present and future, aggravated by social situations of injustice triggered by the deficit of global economy.
Mary as a mother, always vigilant and attentive in her heart, directs us towards her son Jesus. She reminds us of a Presence that never forsakes us.
Let us offer our heart to her, so that she may take us by her hand and sustain us with a gaze of encouragement and hope, capable of dispelling the darkness of distrust, loneliness and abandonment.


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