Erected in the diocese of Calicut in 1923, «St Vincent’s Home», today largely extended, is arranging to celebrate the 100 years of dedication to the poor and the needy of society. St Bartolomea writes «I will help the poor as much as I can. I will try to find out the neediest and will be lavish in my charity towards them» and St Vincenza states «I will be compassionate with the afflicted and show mercy to the poor in trouble and will say to myself: I could be in their place». The words and the examples of the Saints have always been for this home a source of inspiration to take courageous steps in charity. During these hundred years, the home supported children and women offering them various possibilities in the field of education and work but most of all to live with dignity.

With pleasure we remember many women with mental and physical problems or who have been abandoned to themselves have found here a refuge, comfort and care; today they will testify to their experience of the love of God through the assistance offered them by «St Vincent’s Home». We thank God for the blessings which he poured upon this home in the course of this long stretch of history. It is also a moment to remember the pioneers, who have opened this pathway of Christian charity, preparing the soil and watering it so that it may give a good harvest. We also think of the persons who have been, in different ways, active agents to make «St Vincent’s Home» a shelter for all those who sought its support. The curtains of the centenary celebrations will be raised on 22 September inaugurating the various programmes on stage in the following months, while the portals of «St Vincent’s Home» will continue to welcome warmly all those who require its care.