CHIRUNDU, Zambia e Zimbabwe

Saint Bartolomea in the Foundation Document, no. 1 writes: This Institute in particular must be of assistance to young women in moral danger, excluding none of them… the Institute must offer its assistance in every possible way to this kind of young people, because there are few means of bringing them back to the good…

On 23 March the youth of the parish lived a day of recollection in a place called «Lusumpuko» which means ‘development’. Hundred and twenty-five young people participated with conviction nurturing prayer and the desire to listen. The theme was «Lent, a journey of returning home», proposed by Yustus Milambo, the seminarian who is doing his pastoral experience in our parish. In the introduction, he has said that all of us have the experience of distancing oneself from home and, during that period, we have become conscious that we have a starting point: a home. Presenting the text of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32), he exhorted them to reflect, to go into one self and to begin a return journey to the house of the Father, who takes care of us as we are. We shall be always restless and unhappy, till we decide to take one step towards God, to listen to him, and obey him. Only in God, our Father, we shall find a true home, the ‘sweet home’. All of us are called to renew our spiritual life because it could extinguish if we do not make this return journey within us. While the sacrament of reconciliation was given, many gave touching witness of their own life. The recollection day was concluded with the Holy Mass celebrated by the parish priest, don Raffaele Mwempwa