Natural calamities and man-made conflicts have been gravely tormenting Ethiopia since last year. The pandemic was predicted, but the war and the drought arrived unexpectedly redoubling the suffering of the population.
In the northern part of Ethiopia, the war exterminated thousands of soldiers and civilians, many people lost their houses and live in untold misery; several families had to escape and now, without means of subsistence, they fight for life in unfamiliar places. The southern part of the country is facing severe drought: the major part of the population in this area is engaged in rearing livestock; therefore, due to the extreme scarcity of water, the animals are dying in huge numbers and the cultivation is dried up. In addition, the life of the people is fatally affected. The government offers them some help but as always happens many do not receive sufficient aid.
In such trying circumstances, we sisters have been urged to go out to our brothers and sisters to alleviate their pain and to provide them with the things they need. We are visiting some villages to provide them with some food, water and other necessities. Many children are welcomed in our kindergarten school and we give them a meal every day, books, the uniform and other necessities. The needs are too many and our possibilities are limited but with the financial support of some benefactors, we could reach out to many families. What we have been able to give and still give is like a drop of water in an ocean; however, there is great joy in doing the little that is granted to us.
We continue our relief work also in collaboration with other congregations for a long-term solution to the problems. We continually pray to the Lord because only he can heal the world upset by so much suffering.

Further information on the initiatives taken see below:

AFRICA, Etiopia – L’Oro Blu