Page 23 - LETTER 1829_1830
P. 23

Dear Lucia, how fortunate you are! ... For charity’s sake,
               be  you  at  least  there  to  comfort  the  beloved  Jesus  who  is
               continually  receiving  countless  offences.  Comfort  him  with
               your  love,  your  fidelity,  your  loyal  service:  do  what  you  can,
               also, to obtain mercy for the unfortunate who offend Him. But
               be especially kind to Bortolamea, your friend and sister. One
               thing  I  tell  you:  I  find  myself  in  dire  need  of  your  charity:  I
               greatly fear that I may be contemptible in God’s sight; At every
               moment I seem to see myself forsaken by God and so falling
               headlong  down  a  precipice.  This  time  you  must  simply  be  a
               sister  to  me  and  pray  with  all  your  heart  to  God  that  if  he
               foresees that I am about to stray from him, he may give me at
               once  a  sincere  sorrow  for  my  sin  and  then  make  me  die
               immediately.  This  thought  weighs  really  heavily  on  my  heart,
               and I have a dreadful fear that it may come about. What gives
               me a sweet hope, though, is the union and charity that you have
               towards me, and so I hope that your merits will keep me up.
                     There  is  another  kindness  I  want  from  you.  Since  we
               have agreed to ask from Jesus Christ the conversion of some
               soul every time the clock strikes the hour, I beg of you that at
               the  sound  of  midday  you  ask  from  Jesus  Christ  the  perfect
               conversion of all the girls of my Oratorio  and at 2 p.m. to ask
               from him my sincere and total conversion. The same thing I,
               though unworthy, will do at the same time for your Oratorio; for
               you, I will ask from Jesus the sublime heights of holiness.
                     This  time  I  am  bent  on  tiring  you  out  with  my  lengthy

               1    See footnote pg 55.

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