Page 28 - LETTER 1829_1830
P. 28

taught me; I have done it badly, I know, and what is mine is my
            character  and  mistakes.  Now  I  am  handing  it  over  to  you,
            Reverend Father;  I beg you to  examine it, and if you do not
            find it well-suited to our purpose, throw it in the fire, and God
            will provide something better.
                  I  am  also  sending  you  the  paper  with  what  I  have
            promised the Lord as the fruit of my Spiritual Exercises. I must
            tell you in all simplicity that my heart is truly bent on seeking
            every  means  of  using  charity  with  my  neighbour.  In  my
            Spiritual Exercises, especially, I felt strongly urged to make out
            of it a special vow.
            I dared not do it without first obtaining your permission, and so
            I  now  earnestly  beg  your  consent,  and  at  the  same  time  I
            request you to teach me how to do it: to shake me out of my
            laziness and timidity, to reprove me, to drive me on with sheer
            force, in a word: to make me practise this splendid charity in all
            ways possible.
            The desire of being able to do something for my neighbour is
            what represses in me the deep yearning  and longing for the
            delights  of  solitude,  though  I  cannot  help  feeling  it  strongly
            from time to time.
            However, in this, as in everything that concerns me, may the

            Lord do as it is most pleasing to Him, and I will be glad of it.
            What I do desire, and what I earnestly pray for, is that he may
            never leave me to myself.
            This  thought,  together  with  the  fear  of  being  myself
            contemptible and displeasing in the eyes of my God has long
            been troubling me very deeply. I feel I can at any moment fall

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