Page 34 - LETTER 1826_1828
P. 34

To be frank with you, I am now unable to find Jesus if not on
            Mt. Calvary, on the Cross, where he endures terrible pain for
            me, and the thought of it gives me the strength to bear quite
            happily  a  few  crosses  that  He  sends  me.  However,  do  pray
            that he may give me the grace of full conformity to  his most
            loveable will.
                  I am eagerly waiting for a letter from you, setting a few
            practices to do for the current month. Tell me the truth: are you
            perhaps planning to join Miss Giustina and others to form an
            Institute?  I  am  not  putting  this  question  to  you  out  of  idle
            curiosity. On the contrary, it is out of concern for your good. If
            you on your part are open with me, I too will at once tell you
            something  I  had  some  time  back  promised  to  speak  to  you
            about.  I  must  ask  you,  for  charity’s  sake,  to  offer  three  Holy
            Communions  for  my  intention,  and  ask  Giulia  and  Lucia
            Romelli to do the same, and if both you and the Romellis do it,
            write to me of it. I am sending you the book, the cost of which

            is Lire 1.8; and the Corporal and ‘Animetta’ which amount to
            17 pence, as I had told you. Goodbye, dearest. See you again
            in Heaven.
                  I am your Sister who breaks her word.

                                               CAPITANIO BORTOL.

                  P.S. This evening I received your letter. It brought me an
            overwhelming pleasure. I like the practices very much, and by
            God’s grace I will do my best to carry them out.

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