Page 38 - LETTER 1826_1828
P. 38

obstacles prevent me at the moment from calling girls to me;
            but nothing will prevent me from accepting to suffer and doing
            what  will  give  greater  honour  to  Mary,  and  what  I  will  be
            advised  to  do.  I  don’t  know  who  is  at  the  bottom  of  this
            situation: whether it is the devil trying to disturb a good thing or
            else  Mary  because  she  is  not  quite  pleased  with  what  I  do,
            because it is done badly and out of pride. Do pray Mary to find
            a  remedy  for  this.  However,  you  are  very  fortunate  because
            there is so much that you can  do: do  it gladly and Mary will
            reward you for it. I will without any trouble hand to Giulia and
            Lucia Romelli the practices for the month, since I happen to be
            the  one  who  should  propose  them.  Your  Holy  Communions
            have  had  a  very  good  effect;  they  were  meant  to  let  Don
            Angelo remain here in Lovere, God willing, and at this point we
            are practically sure he  will stay. Thank you very  much; I will
            repay my own debts to you. As to the letter you mentioned, I
            handed  it  straightaway  to  Don  Angelo.  In  fact,  after  we  had

            talked a good bit about you, he admitted that he had not yet
            written  to  you.  If  you  want  me  to  tell  him  anything  on  your
            behalf, write it out to me. Giovanna Bosio sends you her best
            wishes and asks you to remember her in your prayer. All your
            other friends do the same, and so too my Parents and Camilla.
            Most beloved in the Lord, goodbye.
                  Ever yours

                  28 April 1826
                                             Your loving Sister and Friend
                                                      B. C.

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