Page 42 - LETTER 1826_1828
P. 42

Heaven!  And  so,  dear  Sisters,  take  heart  and  redouble  your
            courage. As to that blessed Oratorio  that God in his Providence
            has well established in your town, you must make it flourish, first
            of all by your example, as you have always done, and then by
            watching over it with great care, so that very many young girls
            may join it, that they may faithfully observe the prescribed rules
            and,  in  a  word,  that  they  may  be  true  daughters  of  Mary.
            Consider  all  possible  means  by  which  you  can  render  your
            Sodality  most  pleasing  to  Mary  and  your  young  girls  more
            fervent, and so sanctify the whole town, if possible, by the grace
            of  God.  May  it  be  pleasing  to  God  that  all  of  us  now  may
            prepare for the tenor of life that he may have in store for us in
            the near future. But enough of this. We shall do whatever God
            wills for us.
                  For charity’s sake, in occasion of the Jubilee Year you
            must do your very best and pray hard to the Lord that all may
            avail themselves well of this excellent opportunity that God is
            sending  us.  And  so,  Holy  Communions,  penance  practices,
            prayers, mortifications, deeds of charity and virtuous actions,
            and  everything  else,  we  shall  offer  for  this  intention:  that  all
            may  be  well-disposed  towards  the  Holy  Jubilee,  particularly
            those in the greatest need.
                  Pray  hard  for  me  as  well;  my  need  is  very  great.  In
            particular, recite 3 Glory Be to the Holy Spirit, and one to St
            Aloysius, and 3 Hail Marys on the day you receive this letter,
            for a cause of great importance.
                  I am sending you the Shirts, with the cost attached.

            1    See footnote pg 55.

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