P. 28

Letter 268

                                  TO THE SAME
                    She sends papers - invites him to a Sodality Meeting.

                              HAIL TO JESUS AND MARY

                  I  am  enclosing  some  papers.  As  to  the  Novena  of  the
            Assumption,  I  will  give  it  to  you  soon.  Kindly  convey  my
            respects to Rev. Fr. Taeri. After lunch, that is, after midday, if
            you  are  free,  we  shall  be  waiting  for  you  at  the  Sodality
            premises. I heartily commend myself to your charity.
                  I bow to you in reverence. I am
                        Just now.

                                   Yours poor Servant and Daughter in J. Christ
                                    BORTOLAMEA, the Handmaid of Jesus

            To Very Reverend Father
            DON ANGELO BOSIO
               To be delivered in his hands

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