P. 29

Letter 269

                                     TO THE SAME
               She asks for the paper on the “Weeks of St Aloysius” - and for permission
               to sit down for her meditation.

                     Very Reverend Father Confessor,
                     Kindly send me with Teresa the first paper on the Weeks
               of  the  Sodality  of  St  Aloysius,  and  also  the  paper  with  the
               formula of the Act of Consecration, because I forgot to ask you
               for them; the Weeks I do have were already done by them twice
                     I  have  also  one  permission  to  ask  of  you:  if  I  may

               sometimes  sit  down  for  the  evening  Meditation  because  at
               times  I  have  back  ache  or  pain  in  my  legs  and  if  I  remain
               kneeling down in spite of it, it is a sort of distraction. However, to
               be  honest,  the  pain  is  not  so  bad  and  my  self-indulgence  is
               extreme. So if you prefer to withhold your permission, I will be
               equally glad and I will manage it without much trouble. I have
               actually done this thing, I mean sitting down, already, three or
               four times last week. I meant to tell you about it, but I forgot.
                     For God’s sake, I beg of you, commend me to God. With
               profound respect I implore your blessing and sign off

                                          Your devoted, grateful Daughter in J. C.
                                                   CAPITANIO B.

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