P. 30

Letter 270

                                  TO THE SAME
            Her  gladness  to  be  in  the  company  of  L.  Cismondi  -  Wishes  to  M.
            Superior Gerosa - Postscript by L. Cismondi.

                  Very Reverend Father esteemed Confessor,

                  By  God’s  merciful  love  we  have  had  a  very  pleasant
            journey, but we arrived here late - towards 10 o’clock. My good
            friend (who is now playing the Mother to me and is all the time
            telling me to do things for obedience’ sake) is very busy writing
            to  the  Bishop.  While  she  writes  to  him  she  gave  me  the
            ‘obedience’ to write to you, Rev. Father, with the understanding,
            however,  that  she  adds  a  few  lines  herself.  From  her  I  am
            learning  every  kind  of  virtue,  especially  humility.  Our  Lord
            could not deal a greater blow to my pride as he has done by
            putting under my eyes such a living example of humility. May it
            be  pleasing  to  Him  that  I  profit  from  it.  I  shall  continue  to
            receive  Holy  Communion  regularly:  I  am  sorry  to  have  so
            many sins. May God give me at least sufficient sorrow to have
            them wiped away even without going to Confession.

                  Kindly  convey  a  hundred-thousand  wishes  to  all  your
            family, especially to your Sisters and Nieces. Don’t fail, I implore

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