Page 22 - LETTER 1831_1833
P. 22

Be assured that the Lord has chosen you, Reverend Father,
               as  one  of  the  main  instruments  for  His  work,  and  almost
               without your realizing it, he himself made the promise contained
               in the very words you uttered.
               The undertaking is as great and important as it could be. God
               certainly wants it. So many needs that there are call for it most
               Be sure that God is in you and with you, and every time you
               speak,  think,  do  anything  or  suffer  anything  for  this
               Undertaking,  he  will  grant  you  some  special  grace,  and  in
               Heaven He will be your greatest Crown.
                     After what you told me about the matter on Thursday, I
               had  some  uneasiness  about  what  you  told  me  to  write  etc.
               Allow me to confess to you all my pride, if I can.
               I  can  clearly  see  that  all  I  do,  think  or  write,  everything  is
               always tainted by my ugly pride and is spoiled by it.
               I therefore feel within myself that for the good of the Institute,

               and not to be an obstacle to what the Lord wants to do about
               it, I had better not meddle in His affairs, never say anything nor
               ask anything, nor even think of it, but simply pray the Lord to
               make me worthy, for charity’s sake, not to exclude me from the
               number  of  His  Handmaids;  thus,  I  will  then  remain  in  holy
               indifference waiting till He opens the door for me.
               On the other hand I have  an inner urge to obey blindly, and
               several  times  I  felt  driven  to  write  something  of  what  you
               commanded me, but my pride is too great.
               You already know of it, to some extent, since I turn to you (for

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