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may go their way. While the last prayers are being said, the
                  sacristans,  if  told  to,  will  collect  the  alms  from  those
                      In  the  Association  there  are  various  offices:  the
                  Prioress,  two  Assistants  or  Sub-Prioresses,  Head-
                  Moderator, some other Moderators, Registrar, Sister of the
                  week, two Antiphonaries, two Readers, four Sacristans, at
                  least  six  choir  members,  six  Silencers  and  five  or  more

                  Nurses. The duties pertaining to each of these offices are
                  found in the cards prepared for that purpose. These offices
                  are  changed  every  year  by  the  Director  at  his  discretion,
                  and the reshuffling is done on the Sunday after the Feast of
                  the Nativity of the Mary Most Holy. From time to time the
                  Director  must  read  out  and  clearly  explain,  at  an
                  Association gathering, the Method of Christian living that all

                  the members are obliged to follow. Moreover, at least twice
                  a  year,  members  must  have  the  Day  of  Recollection  in
                      If  a  member  dies,  all  fellow-members  are  required  to
                  attend  her  funeral,  wearing  a  white  head-kerchief  and
                  holding a candle in their hand. The body will be carried from
                  her  home  to  the  Church  by  some  appointed  for  that
                  purpose.  All  the  members  have  the  obligation  to  offer  for
                  her a Holy Communion, hear a Mass for the repose of her

                  soul and recite in common the Office for the Dead.
                      It  is  also  the  custom  to  carry  out  in  common,  in  this
                  Association, the devout practices for the month of May.

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