Page 14 - LETTER 1826_1828
P. 14

YEAR 1826

                                    Letter 23

                             TO MARIANNA VERTOVA
                    She proposes devotional practices for Carnival Time.

                            THE GREATER GLORY OF GOD

                  Dearly beloved Sister in Jesus Christ,

                  From  time  to  time  miracles  still  do  happen  nowadays.
            This time I want to work one myself by being prompt, or rather
            very prompt, in answering your welcome letter. I do hope that
            not  even  Marianna  will  charge  her  Bortolamea  with  laziness
            and slacker, because she does not deserve it. I am very happy
            that you liked what I proposed in my last letter. Now you are
            asking  for  something  to  do  in  Carnival  time.  I  do  appreciate
            your  fervour  and  I  wish  to  satisfy  it,  even  though  you  could
            have very well written  out yourself what I,  and the other two
            friends,  have  to  do.  Oh  well!  This  time  your  humility  has
            prevailed, another time your companion’s pride, perhaps, will
            have the upper hand.
                  Let  us  do  our  best,  by  prayer,  to  obtain  from  God  the
            repentance and forgiveness of so many sins, and so we shall
            every morning recite three times the Our Father, Hail Mary and

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