Page 15 - LETTER 1826_1828
P. 15

Glory  be  and  three  times  Hail  Holy  Queen  with  arms
               outstretched,  and  every  evening  ‘Miserere’  (Psalm  50)  and
               seven Hail Marys with hands under the knees. Each one of us
               will  offer  one  holy  Communion  a  week  for  the  salvation  of
               sinners:  Lucia  will  see  to  it  on  Saturdays,  Giulia  on  Fridays,
               Marianna on Tuesdays and Bortolamea on Thursdays.

                     These  days  were  drawn  by  lots.  If  anyone  of  you  is
               unable to do it on the day assigned, she can do it another day,
               provided  she  offers  one  Communion  a  week.  We  shall  also
               fast one day a week: Lucia on Thursdays, Giulia on Saturdays,
               Marianna on Tuesdays and Bortolamea on Mondays. For the
               same purpose each one of us shall take the discipline twice a
               week, on days of  our choice. We shall restrain our curiosity,
               even in innocent things, to make up for so many  abuses done
               in Carnival time. We shall abstain from fruit and titbits in order
               to make up for so much intemperance committed during this

               time by unfortunate sinners. At the sound of the Angelus bell:
               morning, noon and evening, we shall retire in spirit at the feet
               of Jesus Crucified and there all four of us will together pray to
               our most gentle Spouse for unfortunate sinners.
               Lastly,  since  in  this  period  Jesus  is left  practically  alone,  we
               shall  do  our  best  to  keep  him  company:  we  shall  therefore
               remain prayerful and avoid all useless talk.
                     This is what I am able to tell you. If you or the other two,
               write to me anything else, I will be very happy with it and will
               make it a point to carry it out. Please share all of this with our

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