Page 22 - practices
P. 22


                  The  Discipline  every  day,  the  penance  Chain  on  two
            days, fast on the eve, the usual night visit, keep silent, speak
            only  when  needed:  prepare  for  holy  Communion,  and  do
            thanksgiving  after  it,  on  my  knees.  Take  no  fruit,  keep  eyes
            down. Use no blanket at night.

                                CHRISTMAS NOVENA

                  Fasting every day except on Sunday. Use no blanket at

            night. Sleep an hour less than usual. Apply the discipline every
            day,  wear  the  penance Chain  during holy  Communion  every
            day  and  wear  it  whole  day  on  Christmas  Eve  till  midnight.
            Every night pay a visit to Baby Jesus. Give up fruit and wine;
            speak  only  when  strictly  needed,  keep  eyes  down,  keep
            pebbles in the shoes on 3 days. On two nights sleep on the
            floor,  and  stay  awake  the  night  of  Christmas  Eve.  On  two
            nights  put  some  thorns  in  the  bed.  Every  day  trace  on  the
            floor,  with  the  tongue,  the  name  of  Jesus  and  five  crosses.
            Always  kneel  on  the  ground  for  prayer.  With  my  thoughts  I
            shall  ‘go’  to  the  Stable  of  Jesus  No.  …times.  Congratulate
            Mary No. …times. Thank the Eternal Father No. … times.


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