Page 33 - notes
P. 33

dishonoured  us  a  little.  I  told  my  Mother  what  a  respectable
            person had said to me, so that she might be pleased with me. I
            imagined  that  my  Father,  seeing  me  busy  doing  something,
            would speak well of me, though what I was doing was nothing

                                    Monday 11

                  I was sorry to cut a bad figure with a person held in high
            esteem.  I  was  rather  harsh.  I  was  gratified  to  hear  that  an
            object I had made had been praised. I was not very respectful
            towards a girl. I excused myself.

                                    Tuesday 12

                  I omitted a good deed for fear I might be laughed at. I
            mended  a  dress  very  carefully  so  that  its  owner  might  be
            satisfied  by  it.  I  tried  to  cover  up  my  mistake  to  avoid  a
            scolding. I missed an opportunity to make an act of humility.
            When girls asked me to teach them the profession of the Faith,
            instead of admitting that I did not know it, I pretended not to
            understand their request.

                                   Wednesday 13

                  I  was  a  bit  jealous  at  seeing  another  person  shown
            more regard than myself. I was sorry because a certain person
            preferred another girl to myself. I felt a secret pleasure when

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