Page 32 - notes
P. 32

Thursday 7

                     I  was  a  bit  gratified  over  some  works  of mercy.  I  was
               pleased that a person saw something that gave to my family
               an air of respectability. Once I spoke harshly to my Sister. I let
               slip off my lips something that could win me praise.

                                         Friday 8

                     I was pleased to hear talk in praise of me. I said various
               words  of  false  humility.  I  excused  myself.  I  was  gratified  at
               being received with much courtesy: instead of attributing it to
               the  person’s  graciousness,  I  imagined  it  was  because  I  was
               worthy of esteem.

                                       Saturday 9

                     I held obstinately to my opinion. I did not comply with a
               person’s wish where I could have done so. I felt sorry I could
               not give this paper to my Confessor promptly for fear he might
               think it’s negligence on my part. I did my best to do a thing well
               in order to win praise for it.

                                       Sunday 10

                     I excused myself over a certain thing. I was sorry that a
               person came to know something about our family because it

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