Page 13 - VOWS AND ACT
P. 13

myself earnestly to your dear creatures, doing it all for love of
               you. And while I shall be concerned with the good of others,
               you  must  know,  my  dear  Spouse,  that  I  entrust  the  care  of
               myself entirely to you. See to my needs yourself, attend to my
               necessities  and  assist  me;  be  always  at  my  side,  uproot  all
               vices from my heart, planting virtues instead; make me a saint,
               for I surrender myself totally to you; nor do I think I belong to
               myself any longer, but wholly to you.

                     Most Holy Mary, with all my heart I commend myself to
               you; teach me yourself how to love my neighbour, provide me
               with  the  means  with  which  I  can  help  others;  give  me  this
               grace, for I truly want to do it.

                     Dear  St.  Aloysius,  you  who  did  so  much  for  your
               neighbour, give me your noble, charitable heart that I too may
               be a true imitator of yours.

                     All you Saints of Heaven, pray to Jesus for me. Amen.

                     Omnia possum in eo qui me confortat. (I can do all things
               in Him who comforts me).

                        May Jesus’ Almighty power prevail for ever!

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