Page 11 - VOWS AND ACT
P. 11

and I will pray for their conversion so hard that you will not be
               able to deny me that grace. To prevent sin, besides, I promise
               you to do my utmost, but do strengthen me in my weakness. I
               will  hold  the  youth,  all  my  dear  Oratorio ,  most  dear  to  my
               heart.  I  will  especially  care  for  those  girls  who  are  most
               dissipated  and  most  far  from  you.  Such  girls  I  will  tirelessly
               pursue and try by all means to gain their confidence and then
               win them over to you. If my loving attentions are of no avail, I
               will not give up but rather redouble my efforts and with a holy
               concern I will follow close at their heels, and not desist till I see
               every one of them safely yours. Regarding the illiterate, I will
               spare no pains. With charity and patience, I will teach them all
               the little I have learnt. Nor will I hesitate to go myself to seek
               all those persons who are in need of instruction: I will use the
               kindest attentions towards such as these.
                     For  the  poor  souls  in  Purgatory,  I  will  have  a  most
               compassionate charity: every day I will try to do suffrages for
               them by some devotional practice, and on Mondays I will offer
               the whole day for their relief.
                     The poor sick and the bed-ridden will truly be the delight
               of my heart. I will visit every one of them as often as I can.
               I will do all I can by word and deed, doing them the meanest
               and most repulsive services, helping them as much as I can
               and  tirelessly  assisting  them,  and  also,  as  far  as
               circumstances and obedience will allow, when they are on the
               point of death.

               1    “Oratorio”:  in  the  pastoral  tradition of  the  churches  in  North Italy,  it  is  a
               place adjacent to the parish church in which the youth are gathered for catechism
               and other similar activities.

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