Page 12 - VOWS AND ACT
P. 12

I will give the poor as much material help as I can. I will
            do  my  best  to  find  out  those  who  are  really  needy,  and  on
            them I will be most lavish in my charity. I will deprive myself of
            all that is superfluous in food as well as in clothing, and limit
            myself to what is strictly necessary so as to help the poor with
            it; and if at any time I should go hungry for their sake I will be
            glad of it, and I promise I will do it. If I come to know of a real
            need, but I myself cannot meet it, I will not be ashamed to beg
            for them and by all means try to help them.

                  My dear Jesus, I promise you all this; indeed, assisted
            by  your  grace,  I  vow  to  do  it.  On  your  part,  I  beg  of  you,
            strengthen me in my weakness. I am the poorest instrument,
            unworthy and incapable of anything: if you want anything from
            me, you must do it all yourself, otherwise I will spoil all your
            most marvellous works. But I beg of you, let your power rule
            me;  show  how  in  your  all-powerful  hands  the  poorest

            instrument can do the most marvellous things. I do not rely on
            myself at all, but I have full trust in you. This sweet confidence
            enlivens me and gives me courage, instilling in me the hope of
            obtaining everything from you.
            Yes, my God, I will never rely on myself but always count on
            you.  In  dealing  with  the  most  difficult,  tiresome  or  even
            hopeless works, I trust that through your loving kindness I will
            happily  succeed.  Sustained  by  this  sweet  confidence  I  will
            dare, in case of real need, to face danger, knowing for certain
            that you take care of your handmaid and will not let her come
            to any harm. Help me, good Jesus, for I do want to dedicate

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