P. 8

Such  a  choice  is  a  result  of  some  doubts,  emerged  many
            times  during  the  final  revision  of  the  work,  shared  with
            competent  sisters  and  confirmed  with  the  superior  general  m.
            Annamaria  Viganò.  Finally,  we  have  decided  not  to  publish  it,
            while  however  ensuring  the  completeness  of  the  hard  work  of
            translation of the Writings and recognizing their value.
            The reasons come mainly from what the same Mazza affirms in
            the introduction: To the Reader of “Devotional Practices”, justifying
            the  threefold  division  of  the  book:  this  collects  a  wide  and
            repetitive  material,  all  written  by  ven.  Capitanio,  but  only  in  part
            composed  by  her  (cf.  pp.  IX-XI).  Sr.  Maria  Clara  Bianchi,  our
            accurate  historian,  in  her turn  defines  it  as  a  collection  of various
            materials (cf. Bartolomea Capitanio, SCRITTI/2 – IL SUO CAMMINO SPIRITUALE
            – Città Nuova ed. – p. 7).
            -    The  numerous  spiritual  practices  are  typical  of  the  spiritual
                 sensitivity of the time. Some of them are “copied” from the
                 spiritual  authors  more  or  less  noted,  others  adapted  and
                 others composed by the Saint, but we do not possess critical
                 studies that allow a clear distinction of the authentic texts.

            -    They have helped Bartolomea, who has transcribed them, in
                 her  spiritual  formation;  she  used  them  as  help  for  the
                 animation of young persons and to strengthen the bond with
                 the companions of many associations. For this reason, they
                 also record her untiring work as an apostle.
            -    Their more significant contents and some indications can be
                 easily  recognized  and  retrieved,  with  the  same  or  similar
                 words, in the volume  III and I of the Writings, where they
                 prove  to  be  more  convincing  because  they  are  assimilated
                 and enriched by the personal life experience of Bartolomea.
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