Page 25 - INTRODUCTION_LETTER 1824_1825
P. 25

happiness of having drawn many souls to the love of our good
               God. Let us have a preferential love for the poor. They are the
               living image of Jesus Christ. Let us help them as much as we
               can, even if it may cost us at times. Let us remember that in so
               doing  we  are  sure  to  please  our  most  loving  Jesus.  This
               should be a sufficient reason to urge us to do it promptly and
               eagerly.  In  short,  let  us  set  the  world  aside  and  love  God,
               abhor  worldly  vanities  and  seek  humiliations,  shun  worldly
               honours and crave for the dishonour of the Cross: in a word,
               let us try to imitate our Spouse in a manner worthy of Him, and
               we shall one day be very glad to have done so.

                     You  will  say  that  I  am  eager  to  play  the  Teacher  in
               spirituality,  while  I  am  not  even  a  good  pupil.  You  are  quite
               right, for this is part of my subtle pride that likes to teach, not to
               be taught. However, I know I can count on you to be kind and
               understanding, and ask you to be a teacher to me, too; I will

               really appreciate it as a precious gift from you.

                     I  always  keep  you  in  my  prayers  to  God.  However,  I
               suggest we could make a ‘pact’: to offer our Holy Communion
               once a week for each other. I stop here because I am too tired
               to  write  any  more,  certainly  not  out  of  any  fear  that  you  get
               bored. And let me tell you: you really wrong me every time you
               say that you are afraid you may tire me out, as if a friend or
               rather an affectionate sister, could get tired reading the news
               of  a  companion.  Even  if  your  letters  ran  on  for  hundreds  of

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