Page 10 - APPENDIX
P. 10

            “How shall this be done, because I know not man? ”. And in his
            inability  to  explain  such  a  sublime  Mystery,  the  Archangel
            replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the
            Most High will  overshadow you ”: As if he meant to say: “You
            must know, Mary, that my intelligence does not reach so high,
            nor can it penetrate a Mystery so lofty and so profound. The
            Holy Spirit will set your soul on fire with his most high power
            and  overshadow  it,  ‘knowing’  you  as  His  delightful  Bride”.  In
            these words that the Angel said to Mary it can be seen that he
            did  not  understand  such  a  profound  Mystery.  It  was  an
            unfathomable Mystery. But it is all the same an abyss of love
            where every soul must submerge itself totally until, swallowed
            up and absorbed in this furnace of love, it will no longer live in
            itself but wholly in God and, made one with him it is enabled in
            some way to respond to such an infinite love, returning love for
            love,  pain  for  pain,  that  is:  bearing  with  gladness  and
            acceptance all the afflictions of this life for his sake; returning

            poverty  for  poverty,  that  is:  rejoicing  in  being  deprived  of  all
            things,  even  of  the  most  necessary,  imitating  our  beloved
            Jesus who was born and died in extreme poverty; returning life
            for  life,  that  is:  offering  God  our  life  in  a  ceaseless  self-
            sacrifice,  mortification  and  perpetual  death  of  all  things  that
            could give delight to our human misery; and lastly everything
            for  everything,  offering  to  God  a  whole-burnt  offering  both
            internal and external, so that he himself may do of her, in time

            1    Original in Latin “Quomodo fiet istud, quoniam virum non cognosco?”.
            2    Original  in  Latin  “Spiritus  Sanctus  superveniet  in  te  et  virtus  Altissimi
            obumbrabit tibi”.

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