Page 9 - INTRODUCTION_LETTER 1824_1825
P. 9


                     The  writings  of  Venerable  Bartolomea  Capitanio,  duly
               approved by the Sacred Congregation for Rites in view of her
               Beatification,  are  now  published  in  three  parts.  Part  One
               contains  her  letters.  Part  Two  will  contain  the  rest  of  her
               writings  meant  for  the  good  of  her  neighbour.  In  Part  Three
               there will appear what the Servant of God wrote for her own

               spiritual progress.

                     Several times, now and again, there have appeared in
               print  passages  from  her  writings  either  in  appendix  to  her
               biography by the eminent Fr. G. Scandella, or separately. But
               none of  these  partial publications  reproduced  exactly  the  full
               original text: for some reason or other, some writings were cut
               short or interpolations were inserted into it.

                     It  has  therefore  been  thought  advisable  to  compile  a
               complete edition as much as possible leaving the writings as

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