You are necessary to us

O Christ, our only mediator, You are necessary to us:

to live in Communion with God the Father;

to become with you, the only Son and our Lord, his adopted children;

to be regenerated in the Holy Spirit.

You are necessary to us,

O only true master of truths hidden, essential to life,

to know our being and our destiny, the way to accomplish it.

You are necessary to us, O our Redeemer,

to discover our misery and to heal it;

to have the concept of good and evil and the hope of holiness;

to deplore our sins and to receive forgiveness for them.

You are necessary to us, O brother firstborn of the human kind,

to find again the true reason of fraternity among men and women,

the foundations of justice, the treasures of charity, the supreme good of peace.

You are necessary to us,  O great sufferer of our pains,

to know the meaning of suffering

and to give it a value of expiation and of redemption.

You are necessary to us, O victor of death,

to set us free from desperation and of denial,

and to have the certainty that do not betray forever.

You are necessary to us, O Christ, O Lord, O God with us,

to learn true love and to walk in the joy and strength of your charity,

along the way of our hard life,

up to the final encounter with You beloved, with You awaited,

With You blessed forever.

 – (free translation) from