From all eternity, Almighty God has had for me an immense love:

from all eternity, he had planned to create me out of nothing,

to mould me into such an excellent body, with such a noble soul,

made in his own image.

As a dwelling-place for me, God created the world,

so beautiful, so varied and so delightful.

But, my God, how did I merit to be born in a Christian country,

of good parents who are so concerned for my salvation?

… How did I merit to be endowed with memory, intellect and will,

with considerable talent?

How did I deserve to be given Faith in you, Baptism, so many Sacraments?

And such a good education

in which I have come to know so clearly how sweet it is to serve you,

what merit had I to receive it? …

And the continual graces you are granting me, Lord!

What are all these if not most clear signs of the love you have for me? …


(from the Writings of St. Bartolomea Capitanio)